Steaming on the Silvia Classic
The Silvia Classic is a single boiler, this means you cannot steam while pulling a shot of espresso. This is because the single boiler has to switch temperatures and functionality between the two brewing modes.
To steam milk on the Silvia Classic, you will press the steam button to the 'ON' position. The red light by the brew button will indicate the boiler is not yet ready. When the light switches to green, the steam boiler is ready for use. Using the steam knob, you can start steaming.
You can either pull your espresso shot before or after steaming. We recommend steaming first, as there will be less time waiting for the temperature change. You will just need to make sure the steam button is 'OFF' before pulling your espresso.
Steaming on the Silvia Pro X
The Silvia Pro X features dual boilers which means that you can steam milk and pull espresso shot simultaneously. This feature is helpful for better bar flow, back-to-back drinks, and a beautiful finish on your latte!
To make sure your steam boiler is on and up to temperature before steaming your milk, confirm that the light above the steam knob is lit and not flashing. If it's not lit, you need to switch the steam boiler to the 'ON' position. The steam button is found on the left side of the front of your machine, in between the coffee and water buttons. Once turned on, the small light above the steam knob will begin flashing. When the light is a solid glow, that means the steam boiler has reached the correct temperature and is ready for use. The light may also start flashing when it needs a minute to come up to temperature after steaming a number of drinks back-to-back.