Getting Started with the Silvia Pro X!

Is there anything more exciting than new espresso machine day? Shipped from Italy to your doorstep, the Silvia Pro X is made to last with commercial grade components and features that produce cafe-quality espresso and milk beverages. Setting up the Silvia Pro X and creating the right espresso routines may seem a little daunting at first, but with our guide below you'll be brewing excellence in no time!

Unboxing and Setting Up 

What's in the box?! This blog and video will highlight how to set up the Silvia Pro X once it arrives at it's new home, as well as outline the various accessories that accompany the machine.

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Best Practices and Golden Rules

This blog post answers some frequently asked questions and highlights beginner espresso etiquette - including why water quality matters, the best practices for choosing coffee, and outlining basic cleaning protocol. 

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How To Pull A Shot of Espresso

This blog post will provide you with an outline on how to pull your first shot of espresso on the Silvia Pro X!

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How To Steam Milk

This blog post will go over the milk steaming process, and give insight into how to achieve perfect micro-foam and beautiful latte art!

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How to Dial In

Dialing in is the process of adjusting variables like dose, grind size, and brew time to achieve the best tasting espresso shot. This blog will outline the three main variables, a standard brewing recipe, and troubleshooting advice. 

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